Golden Empire Transit District Seeking Customer Survey

Golden Empire Transit District Seeking Customer Survey

The Golden Empire Transit District (GETD) has issued an RFP for Customer and Community Satisfaction Survey. The purpose of the survey is to obtain customer and community opinions about the value and quality of GET’s services.

The District provides fixed route transit service and curb-to-curb paratransit service within the Bakersfield metropolitan area. Weekday service is provided from 6:00 a.m. to approximately 11:30 p.m.  The District operates 88 buses on 16 routes during peak service hours. Approximately 5.4 million passenger trips are taken annually on GET’s fixed route system, averaging approximately 18,000 trips per weekday, 9,000 trips per Saturday and 7,000 trips per Sunday. The district operates 19 paratransit vehicles serving approximately 1,300 customers monthly.

Scope of Work

Gathering information from customers and the community will assist GET in determining where the agency is successfully meeting the needs of its customers and where improvements are needed. Specific objectives for the project include:

  • Assess customer opinions regarding service, safety, reliability, convenience and value
  • Update GET’s customer profiles and travel patterns
  • Benchmark GET’s scores with other like transit agencies

Scope of Work

While the expertise of the selected firm will be recognized, GET plans to be an active partner in the design of the survey and the project as a whole. The following are the criteria for the survey:

  • Design and produce survey instrument for intercept and telephone interviews
  • Conduct interviews in both English and Spanish
  • Specify sample size options, identify how samples will be selected and provide specific information regarding the confidence level of the data
  • Provide data compilation and analysis

Proposal due by January 6th, 2017

Golden Empire Transit District
1830 Golden State Ave
Bakersfield, CA 93301

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