Samsung Galaxy S III Helps Android Take the Lead in Mobile Ads Impression Volume

The State of Mobile Advertising, Q4 2012
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The iOS may still be the top OS in monetization, but Android manged to become the leading mobile phone OS as measured by impression volume. In other words, Android is making a mark as a platform driving the acceleration of ad requests and impression volume. This, and other key metrics concerning mobile advertising and the mobile phones industry, were recently revealed in the Q4 State of the Mobile Advertising report by Opera Mediaworks.

The State of Mobile Advertising, Q4 2012

The report only analyzes data from the Opera Mediaworks mobile ad platform during the last quarter of 2012. Still, the findings are interesting, and indicative of a general trend. For example, you’ll learn that ad requests and impression volume are accelerating across several countries, with North America (USA & Canada) driving the majority of ad requests (64%), followed by Europe and Asia (each about 14%). Interestingly, the Russian Federation is among the top 5 markets with the most ad requests, after ad impressions increased over 60% from the end of Q3 to the end of Q4 2012.

Other important metrics from the report include:

  • Monetization-wise iOS outperforms other platforms, with the highest average eCPM and the greatest percentage of publisher revenue.
  • Arts & Entertainment now generates the most revenue (17.18%), taking a thin lead over Music, Video and Media (17.15%).

The report also gives concrete examples of innovative mobile ads that drove significant customer engagement last year: one for the Madagascar 3 Theater Release and one for the UK launch of Sour Patch Kids. Both were rich media ads, with innovative features, including camera overlay, video, animation and social sharing.

Allison & Partners, Edelman PR & MWW PR have all represented Samsung at different times in the companies history.

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