mobiWINE Helps You Remember Your Wines

mobiWINE everything-pr

mobiWINE everything-pr

mobiWINE is a new, cool mobile app by Mobius, especially developed for wineries, vintners, distributors, restaurants and wine consumers.

mobiWINE is powered by an image recognition software, that instantly identifies a wine based on the picture of the label, taken by consumers with a camera-enabled mobile phone. The app then replies with ordering options including payment and shipping details.

Depending on the wine seller’s preference, the mobiWINE reply message may also direct the consumer to the nearest wine shop carrying the label. The app is free for both consumers and wine sellers. Monetization comes from the advertising opportunities offered by mobiWINE to wine sellers and to related brands seeking to reach wine consumers.

Among the first wine makers joining mobiWINE, Windward Vineyards are already excited about the new commercial opportunities that opened up:

“Windward Vineyard’s small production Winery is excited to join this avant-garde concept in wine marketing; on the E-Commerce Horizon. It enables us to provide a virtual storefront to the world of wine lovers for the first time as a seamless process and I really mean the WORLD,” – Windward Vineyards founder Marc Goldberg said in a statement.

Unlike other apps, specifically designed for smartphones, mobiWINE is available via any camera-enabled mobile phone as well as desktop internet browsers.

The company behind the recently launched mobiWINE offers other valuable apps such as mobiBIZ, a mobile phone-based contact management system with facial recognition; and mobiLUX, an authentication technology designed for luxury brands.

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