Category: PR Insights

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Tips to wrap up negotiations effectively

For a business to thrive and enjoy great success, it needs a dedicated team willing to work hard for that to happen. This means that the staff has to be 100% devoted to the company’s main goal; they ought to be good negotiators, and they must know how to take matters in their own hands.

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Agency Leader Provides His PR Week In Review

ven as CEO of an award-winning PR Agency, I was unaware that July 27th was “PR National Awareness Day.” How many of you knew that? I certainly didn’t – but learned of it after reading The Financial Times and an article headlined “PR, an industry with a PR problem”

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Why Nonprofits Need Press Releases

Newspapers may be going out of business, but the online news site continues to draw traffic in droves. This is the main reason that press releases relating to nonprofit work are as relevant as ever. Since the press release, like the news, can be posted online, they not only draw media attention but also attract potential donors and volunteers to the nonprofit’s website. By having press releases out there for general consumption, you may even draw general reader attention to your cause, gaining new and valuable supporters.

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Independent Agencies Benefit from the Merger of Publicis-Omnicom

Independent agencies worldwide are cheering when we hear the news about the impending merger of Publicis and Omnicom – the 2nd and 3rd largest advertising and marketing conglomerates in the world. Keep merging please – so we can focus on doing great work and serving our clients. More than ten years ago, before I founded 5WPR, I worked for an agency which was owned by The Interpublic Group and cannot forget the pressures to increase revenues and the non-stop eye on stock price.

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Short PR Takes: On Radical Consumerism, Reaction and Influence

Lately I’ve been re-introduced to ideas and synergies which, when carefully examined, herald a long lost web world fantasyland known as Web 3.0. That long ago concept popularized by Tim O’Reilly and O’Reilly Media back in 2004, Web 2.0 hearkened the world to concepts and ideas my generation only fantasized about after a episode of the 60’s TV series Star Trek. Technology impacting everyday life on Earth as it does now, was for decades the stuff of Hollywood. Then, the natural progression of thought led us to wonder if (or when) Google or Facebook, or O’Reilly himself, might lead us into a version 3.0 promised land.

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Native Advertising: Will It Save or Slay the Needy Media?

Lewis DVorkin is a great writer. Check that, Lewis DVorkin’s a brilliant writer. A Forbes piece pitting the ad world against the PR industry Monday echoes of Richard Edelman public relations celebrity (and might to an extent), but the piece also emits the cries of a fairly stupefied textual news media too. More than this though, these kinds of editorials could decry the very journalistic separation the PR and media industry content needs separating. This begs the question; “Is the public full on ready for inherently blurred ideals, or can communicative wizards make the magic transformation stick?

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Win at Negotiations using these simple tricks

People are used to associating negotiations with strategies. Although that might be accurate on a certain level, it would imply that the concept of negotiation is an honorable talent loaded with skills and gamesmanship rather than thorough investigation abilities and hard work. Of course, there are some gaming elements that apply to the business world too, mostly when it comes to achievements and transactions.