MULTI‐PLATFORM MARKETING SERVICES THINK MUNDELEIN FIRST/SHOP LOCAL CAMPAIGN Purpose: The Village of Mundelein issues this Request for Proposals for the purpose of selecting a qualified marketing, public relations, or communications firms (and teams of qualified subcontractors)to assist in the process of launching a multi‐platform marketing campaign to leverage the Mundelein business community. Proposals must be received no later than July 20, 2020 by 5:00 p.m. at the Mundelein Village Hall, 300 Plaza Circle, Mundelein, Illinois. Firms must submit six hard copies, delivered to Communication & Marketing Manager, Village Hall, 300 Plaza Circle, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 and one digital copy to Proposals received after the stated date and time or in any other location other than the Village Hall will not be considered. The coronavirus pandemic created economic hardship on local businesses. To help Mundelein businesses emerge from this public health and economic crisis, Village officials are proposing a “Think Mundelein First” marketing and communication campaign to assist local businesses recover as quickly as possibl. Mundelein officials are operating from the premise that supporting local businesses through a community‐wide marketing campaign is the best way to empower entrepreneurs, to support the local economy, to create jobs, and to facilitate a better quality of life for everyone. We believe one of the first steps in this process is to develop a comprehensive marketing campaign that reminds people to simply, “Think Mundelein First.” Background: Rich in history and exhibiting great benefits for its 31,000+ residents and those considering a move here, Mundelein fosters an exceptional quality of life, superb housing values, solid schools, a strong industrial base, and responsible government. Collectively, these unique attributes make the Village an ideal place for families and new businesses to grow and thrive. With a distinctive identity, Mundelein is a true gem located in Central Lake County, Illinois. Mundelein rebranded and redefined itself, and over the past decade embarked on a very exciting growth period. Through strong leadership, the Village is making significant investments in redefining itself to reflect the changes of the community. There is a solid commitment to making the community a welcoming place. Much of this effort is centered in the downtown core, as the area shifts from primarily industrial and manufacturing‐based, which has experienced growth in industrial parks within the Village, to an increasingly communalspace. In fact, creating a sense of place in the downtown for people to live, visit, work, and simply enjoy is an ongoing priority for the Mayor and Board of Trustees. Mundelein provides support for business attraction, expansion, and relocation as well as resources for economic development and assistance with site selection, real estate, and finance. It also has a tax increment financing district (TIF). Financial support mechanisms, such as the business incentive grant (BIG) program, help businesses make necessary exterior and interior improvements, all of which contribute to creating a welcoming and modern sense of place. Local business can solicit financial assistance from the village for improvements such as signs, façades, and landscaping. For larger projects with the potential to generate substantial sales taxes, Mundelein also offers a sales tax sharing program. The Village of Mundelein has an open and transparent approach to government and collaborates on development with neighboring jurisdictions to benefit the community and the region. Scope of Work: In an effort to communicate the Village of Mundelein’s support of the local business economy and to expedite Mundelein’s economic recovery from the devastating impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, officials are seeking to launch a coordinated, comprehensive, and ongoing buy local campaign with the goal reminding residents to alter their behavior and become more deliberate about choosing local,