The Monroe County Health Department (MCHD) has received grant funds from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) to be used to provide education and to conduct vaccination outreach to Michigan residents at high risk of contracting hepatitis A. 

The main messages for the education campaign will promote:

· Proper handwashing technique

· The importance of handwashing in general illness prevention (not limited to hepatitis A prevention)

MCHD seeks to enter into a contractual relationship with a person or organization to develop a comprehensive public education campaign which will launch in late May 2020 or very early June and run through August 2020. Services will include creation of visual/print (hard copy) items, digital/social advertisements, short videos and media-buy and placement management. The selected vendor will provide a media analysis which will include tracking and reporting of ad placements and impressions, digital/social media traffic, and other valuable metrics.

The award ceiling for this funding opportunity is $20,000 and is available over the course of 4 months, from May 2020 through August 2020. It is important to note that price will be a significant consideration during the evaluation period; MCHD will evaluate proposals based on “best value”. As a governmental agency that receives public and private funding, MCHD is committed to the effective and efficient use of its limited grant funds for education and marketing. MCHD is seeking a consultant who will consider this RFP as an opportunity to support MCHD in its work of improving lives and would be willing to make a pro bono contribution of time and/or expense to supplement the proposed budget if needed.


The County of Monroe is soliciting proposals from qualified professional firms for the development of creative and marketing collateral materials in order to support messaging promoting proper handwashing to prevent illness. Services will include creation of visual/print (hard copy) items, digital/social advertisements, and media-buy and placement management. Interested firms should refer to the project requirements as outlined in the Request for Proposal.

Scope of Work:

Goals for educational campaign

1. Develop a media campaign to educate on the importance of proper handwashing to prevent illness. The campaign should be designed and executed in a manner that reaches as many demographic and geographic components of Monroe County as possible demonstrating the ability to use multiple elements of the campaign and should include as a minimum, the digital/social ads, print collateral materials for distribution, and any other creative elements of the campaign.

2. Facilitate the media buy and placement for the campaign ensuring a diverse media mix across a variety of platforms, including the following:

a. Digital advertising (using geo-fencing and targeted advertisements);

b. Social media advertising (using boosted posts or targeted ads);

c. Traditional advertising; 

d. Over the top TV ads; e. Other creative and potential approaches to paid/earned media

Proposal Content 

The proposal submitted should include the following information to assist in selecting the firm best able to provide the professional services for the project.

· Provide a listing of five (5) current references for work recently completed of a similar scope and type. Describe your background and experience dealing with similar projects or other social marketing campaigns; providing at least two similar (health or educational) campaigns completed within the last 5 years that demonstrate the Responder’s capabilities of meeting the scope of services.

· Demonstrate through a listing of credentials the qualifications of the firm to support and complete the project described.

· Provide the structure of the professional team proposed for the project and the credentials and experience of the key account personnel.

· Include a work plan. Describe the approach and process for meeting deliverables and objectives in an efficient and effective way. The work plan must include the plan for reporting of progress and sharing analytics from the campaign.

· Provide an estimated time schedule for the services to be provided and significant milestones to be met along the progression of the project.

· Provide the best financial proposal to complete the work for the duration of the contract based on the proposed work plan. Cost information shall be included on the included proposal form. Cost estimates should include the following information:

· Include any relevant one-time implementation costs

· Include costs for anticipated media purchases broken down by the type of media, number of spots and cost

· Include any anticipated additional costs that will become the responsibility of the MCHD once the contract has been fulfilled

· Include any other costs not specifically requested, but will be included as a part of the project

· Include any donations of time or expense

Due Date:

May 24 


Monroe County Finance Office 125 East Second Street Monroe, MI 48161

Agencies worth considering include Ruder Finn and Finn Partners.

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