Social Media RFP Issued By Purcellville Business Association

This RFP is to Provide Graphic Design & Social Media Services to the Purcellville Business Association (PBA).


The Purcellville Business Association is a non-profit organization of businesses and individuals who come together to advance and promote the economic, industrial, professional, cultural, and civic welfare of Purcellville and Western Loudoun County.

Together we . . .

•      Grow our businesses
•      Voice our opinions
•      Plan for our future

And together we extend a warm welcome and an open invitation to join us.

Who We Are

We are bankers and engineers, doctors and accountants, contractors and architects, executive coaches and real estate agents.

We manage vineyards and restaurants, hardware stores and consignment shops, photography studios and printing companies.

We run farm equipment and energy supply firms, insurance agencies and financial planning concerns, Internet marketing businesses and many more.

We work together to help each of our businesses and our community thrive.

What We Do

We meet monthly over lunch with programs that may include:

•      Discussions of current and upcoming events
•      Introductions to new businesses
•      Presentations from subject matter experts
•      News about issues related to the town and surrounding area
•      Mini seminars on best practices in business or evolving technology

We gather for informal mixers that are great for networking. And we support and participate in community events and initiatives in cooperation with the local schools, Town officials and staff, and other civic and professional organizations.

How PBA Helps You Grow Your Business

PBA member Tanya Matthews, president and CEO of TMG Construction Corporation, says it well:

“People tell me that the Purcellville Business Association adds value to their business by providing a voice to the business community. PBA watches out for potential new regulations that could affect businesses (like architectural review standards that could be unreasonable, or new local taxes being proposed) and it takes a stand.

“It gives me a monthly place to go and meet other business owners and local officials so I can network for more work, meet potential new clients and develop more teaming opportunities. Best of all, I can pass out business cards and tell others about the services that my company offers.”

Join Us

Because we provide opportunities for you to . . .

•      Build relationships that help you build your business.
•      Stay informed and voice your views on the issues that impact your business.
•      Enhance your business knowledge and leadership skills.
•      Promote your business through PBA-sponsored community events.
•      Reach our influential audience through our website, email updates, and social media.

Learn more about the benefits of membership.

Scope of Work:

Management of the current PBA Website and Constant Contact email system and Paypal Payment Processing system link. 

– Create monthly announcements for website, social media and constant contact to announce luncheons, dinners mixers, banquets, special events, and new PBA members. A monthly timeline for these announcements will be established by the PBA Events and Communications Chair along with the Graphics/Social Media Firm Contact. 

– Communication as needed through website, social media, constant contact email,  

– Follow up postings as it pertains to monthly luncheons and meetings on website, social media, and other platforms as needed. 

– Update News & Event pages on website, Facebook and Twitter with all past and future events.

– Attend monthly luncheons and mixers as scheduled to take photos for social media and website postings. 

– Create newsletters (quarterly) to send to members and post on social media platforms. 

Monthly Luncheon Announcements Design and Graphics of Website slider, calendar slider, constant contact announcements, Facebook, and Twitter with at least 3 notices sent for sign up with link to PBA Paypal payment portal. 

Social Media Create event page announcements on Facebook & Twitter.  Design custom posts (facebook and twitter for upcoming events and local news related to business or events in the local area. 

Program Design Design and Graphics for event programs for handouts at each luncheon or dinner event.  Coordinate with PBA printing company for production with the assistance of the PBA Communications and Events Chair if needed.  

Newsletter  Design quarterly newsletter with past and future events.  The newsletter will then be distributed by website, social media and constant contact.

AD Create ad design for newsprint as needed (currently monthly) for luncheons and special events. 

Online Directory

Create and Maintain an online member directory for the PBA Website of all PBA Members. 


Any successful bidder will become a PBA member at the annual membership rate. (currently $100).  PBA will not charge the contractor for attending events when the contractor’s representative is present for taking pictures. 

Due Date:

November 15, 2019 at 4pm


The PBA Communications Chair Michelle Nasser via email @

Headline Media and Finn Partners are agencies worth considering.

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