Tulsa, Oklahoma Seeking Lobbying Company To Get More F-35 Fighter Jets

tulsa public relations

tulsa public relations

The City of Tulsa, Oklahoma is seeking a lobbying company to assist City of Tulsa efforts to upgrade the Oklahoma Air National Guard Base (OKANG) with F-35 Fighter Jets through federal support. The Tulsa OKANG base currently houses F-16 Fighter Jets and it is the expressed goal of the City of Tulsa to secure F-35 Fighter Jet status for the base in Tulsa through federal government support.  Work will include outreach to decision makers in the federal Department of Defense, advocacy on behalf of the Tulsa community as a superior location for F-35 Fighter Jets, and demonstrating the viability of the Tulsa OKANG base as a premier location for the next generation of fighter jets. The lobbyist must demonstrate a strong working knowledge of federal Department of Defense contracting and decision making. The lobbyist must have a proven record of keeping and maintaining relationships that will assist in helping Tulsa become a location for the F-35 Fighter Jet.

The Respondent shall promote Tulsa and the local Oklahoma Air National Guard Base as a location for the F-35 Fighter Jet to federal authorities. A successful effort would conclude with a United States Department of Defense decision to locate F-35 Fighter Jets in Tulsa at the Oklahoma Air National Guard Base permanently.

The Respondent shall make and maintain relationships with decision makers within the federal government’s Department of Defense and advocate on behalf of Tulsa for successfully securing the F-35.

The Respondent shall regularly travel to and correspond with federal government authorities that have an impact on choosing locations for the F-35, and when necessary schedule and arrange for meetings between appropriate federal authorities and local Tulsa leadership on the issue. Local leadership includes but is not limited to: the Mayor of the City of Tulsa, officials from the Tulsa Oklahoma Air National Guard Base, and other necessary community leaders that are capable of promoting Tulsa as a location for the F-35.

Proposal due on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 to:
Deputy City Clerk
City of Tulsa
175 E. 2ND St. Suite 260
Tulsa, OK 74103

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