United Nations Development Programme Looking For PR Firm

United Nations Lebanon Issues Communications RFP


United Nations Development Programme Looking For PR Firm

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is seeking a public relations firm. UNDP hosts a global project of assistance to the Chair and members of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF). The CVF Support Project of UNDP encompasses support for amplifying the communications impact of CVF activities, which includes a public campaign on 1.5 degree Celsius (#1o5C), the goal enshrined in the Paris Agreement in 2015. The #1o5C campaign was launched by CVF ahead of UNFCCC COP21 and seeks to engage and empower members of civil society on the issue of 1.5 and encourage active participation in ensuring this goal is achieved.

The assignment should involve interactive feedback and reporting to inform the CVF throughout each step to ensure end results match closely with the require outcomes and deliverables. This assignment aims to empower civil society groups/individuals to engage in communication on the topic of 1.5 degrees Celsius at national and regional levels, and to assist presentations of the CVF’s engagement in enshrining the goal at COP21.

Scope of work:

Part A: 8 to 10 Week Publishing Campaign on 1.5 degrees Celsius

  • Across an 8 to 10 week period services should be provided to focus on a publishing campaign aiming to reach the broadest possible audience of writers in largely dispersed geographies;
  • The objective of this campaign is to aid in the development of regional and national relevant narratives that effectively engage key stakeholders.
  • The campaign should publish between 80 and 100 articles highlighting the key issues of the #1o5C campaign including the narrative of “survive” and “thrive” (detail to be provided by UNDP);
  • The campaign will reach the broadest possible audience of writers and incentivize them through delivering training and writing tools. A select number of writers should develop a series of nationally focused articles aiming to expand on the core media narrative;
  • The campaign should utilize the forthcoming Low Carbon Monitor CVF report, which will be launched at UNFCCC COP22 at Marrakech in mid-November, to support articles/comms;

Part B: Coffee Table Book on 1.5 degrees Celsius

  • Lead and manage the end-to-end process of developing an illustrated book from interviewing, transcribing, editing of manuscript, imagery/photography, graphic design, proof reading to printing. This includes the CVF’s #1o5C campaign and how 1.5 degree Celsius (#1o5C) came to be the goal enshrined in the Paris Agreement in 2015 (this will be undertaken with guidance provided and sign off on content by the CVF Support Project Team);
  • Up to 25 interviews of 40 minute duration should be undertaken with key interviewees, who are located across several continents and thus interviews can be conducted over Skype;
  • Objectives/Focus:
    • How 1.5 degrees Celsius came to be included in the Paris Agreement;
    • Key priorities of countries highly vulnerable to climate change;
    • How the vulnerable countries worked hand-in-hand with civil society towards a strong agreement:
  • Interviewees: CVF members; diplomats and negotiators; leaders in civil society organization sector including partners on the #1o5C campaign – CARE and CAN International and other members of civil society; members of CVF expert advisory group; CVF Support Project personnel;
  • Imagery associated with the topics:
    • Climate change impact on CVF members;
    • 5°C to survive and thrive;
    • Images from COP21 at Paris: CVF members, events, general pictures, #1o5C campaign; Ray of the Day.

Proposal due by October 14 to:

United Nations Development Programme

One United Nations Plaza

New York, NY 10017 USA

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