World Bank Group Seeks Consumer Marketing Agency

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is an investor and advisor supporting sustainable economic growth in developing countries by making private sector investments, mobilizing  capital in the international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses and governments. Lighting Africa, is a joint IFC/World Bank initiative that seeks to mobilize the private sector to build sustainable markets for affordable, high quality, modern solar lighting and energy products for people in Africa not connected to grid electricity. In Ethiopia, the program aims to enable 8 million people to gain access to quality-assured, off-grid solar lighting products by supporting the development and growth of the market.

The Lighting Ethiopia program team would like to invite eligible marketing communications firms to develop a comprehensive consumer activation and Below-The-Line (BTL) and Above-The-Line (ATL) strategy targeting the different segments that are either not connected to the grid or suffer acute shortages in electricity supply, that will then be implemented by the consulting firm as part of Lighting Africa’s consumer education campaign in Ethiopia.

Scope of Work:

  • Clear and quantifiable experience in conducting ATL and BTL marketing communication campaigns for renewable energy and solar lighting or related products targeting the off-grid population in Ethiopia;
  • A team experienced in interpersonal communication and one-to-one engagement with relevant stakeholders like consumers, government energy experts, traders, farmer unions, women groups and MFIs;
  • Proven experience with collecting and analyzing target audience insight, segmentation, key message development, media  planning  & monitoring;

Due Date:

August 28, 2017


World bank Group
PO Box 5515
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Strong consumer PR firms include Hunter PR and Ketchum PR.

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