EPR Staff

From the Text100 Digital Index Energy
Crisis PR

Who Is Influencing #Energiewende and Germany’s Energy Debate?

One of the world’s leading communications companies, Text100, completed a Digital Index Energy influencer study in June. The data “showed” the key influencers shaping the German energy sector including people in; politics, science, industry, and the nongovernmental sector, etc. The press release here, makes some interesting assertions, particularly where the use of social media is concerned with regard to Germany’s energy debate.

Jeff Bullas charicature
PR News

The Foregone Conclusion of a Twitter Marketing Funnel: Like It or Not

I just got off Skype with a friend and client whose company absolutely defies any suggestion Twitter is a viable marketing tool. You read that correctly @briansolis. Believe it or not, there are millions or companies out there that would refuse and refute ANY channel preferred by clients, if a decision maker in the crew is adamantly enough against the channel.

Rosetta Stone CEO

Rosetta Stone and Ruder Finn Tag Team Europe’s Language Barrier

Leading PR firm Ruder Finn has been tagged by Rosetta Stone to support their PR effort in Europe. According to news from PR Week UK, RF is to target influencers in the corporate, education, and public sector to expand the educational platform’s brand. Considering the convergence of digital business strategies in Europe these days, leading language solutions in collaboration with leading PR communications, would seem to make perfect sense.

PR News

Groupon Launches Affiliate Marketing Platform

Instead of just relying on emails with daily deals, Groupon now needs additional channels to reach out to consumers. The Groupon Partner Network will deliver the most relevant Groupon deals across partner websites and apps.

Ryanair Axes Captain John Goss After 26 Years

Captain John Goss is on the one hand a past hero of the International Federation of Airline Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA). On the other the now jobless Captain Gross is for Ryanair an insubordinate liar who seems dead set on defaming the Ireland based budget airline.

From the Ryanair Pilot Group Facebook profile
PR News

Ryanair with a Mayday, Mayday PR Problem [Video]

Just as Ireland budget airline Ryanair emerges as a true leader in the European flight industry, news pilots and employees question the carrier’s methods breaks bad for Michael O’Leary’s super successful venture. According to a survey of more than 1000 captains and first officers who work for the airline, 9 in 10 want to see in safety impact inquiry conducted on Ryanair.

"Yes, yes, one day your kids and mine will hold hands, side by side, at Harvard graduation." - Matt Damon courtesy Thore Siebrands
PR News

Matt Damon Wants Elysian Fields Schools – At Least for His Kids

Matt Damon has been one of the most vocal advocates of America’s public schools. But what’s good for your kids and mine, is apparently not good enough for Matt’s four daughters. Damon’s announcement he’s sending his kids to private school is the subject of a PR Goofy Award today.

PR News

LikeHack: A Lot to Like and Unlike

A Russian startup, LikeHack.com, has launched a new app which allows for personal content curating, filtering feeds, and to acts as a personal search engine of sorts. According to the developers, LifeHack will save social types in excess of an hour every day.

The Washington Post
PR News

And the Washington Post – A Fire Sale?

What’s not being said where the surprise sale of the Washington Post goes, is just how badly such newspapers are having it. Pew Research Center data shows the staggering debt abyss the Graham family media company was falling into. But the Washington Post is not alone, and there are so few Amazon billionaires out there to pick up the pieces.