EPR Staff

"Yes, yes, one day your kids and mine will hold hands, side by side, at Harvard graduation." - Matt Damon courtesy Thore Siebrands
PR News

Matt Damon Wants Elysian Fields Schools – At Least for His Kids

Matt Damon has been one of the most vocal advocates of America’s public schools. But what’s good for your kids and mine, is apparently not good enough for Matt’s four daughters. Damon’s announcement he’s sending his kids to private school is the subject of a PR Goofy Award today.

PR News

LikeHack: A Lot to Like and Unlike

A Russian startup, LikeHack.com, has launched a new app which allows for personal content curating, filtering feeds, and to acts as a personal search engine of sorts. According to the developers, LifeHack will save social types in excess of an hour every day.

The Washington Post
PR News

And the Washington Post – A Fire Sale?

What’s not being said where the surprise sale of the Washington Post goes, is just how badly such newspapers are having it. Pew Research Center data shows the staggering debt abyss the Graham family media company was falling into. But the Washington Post is not alone, and there are so few Amazon billionaires out there to pick up the pieces.

PRSA everything-pr
PR News

PRSA Dallas Further “Illuminates” Bad PR Peeps

In a move that really shows the PRSA does have teeth, the Dallas chapter of the organization as not only condemned unethical behavior, but banned ex-newsman Mike Snyder for life. And in so doing, the local chapter sheds light on the darker side of bad PR practice.

Anne Bouverot
PR News

Make Convergent Ends Meet for a Compelling Customer Journey

Businesses “convergent” with digital technologies may soon be catapulted ahead of their competitors. At least this is a sort of convention wisdom most experts expound on via a multitude of pulpits worldwide. Focusing on business opportunities we now see emerging, it appears the wisdom from the edge is wise after all.

PR News

Omnicom & Publicis – Should Google Be Afraid?

The news that mega ad companies Omnicom and Publicis would merge shook up the communications world a bit yesterday, and the New York Times even suggested Google may be in some peril ad-wise. Can the biggest ad company in the world really compete with Google in the digital world though?

Consumerism now
PR Insights

Short PR Takes: On Radical Consumerism, Reaction and Influence

Lately I’ve been re-introduced to ideas and synergies which, when carefully examined, herald a long lost web world fantasyland known as Web 3.0. That long ago concept popularized by Tim O’Reilly and O’Reilly Media back in 2004, Web 2.0 hearkened the world to concepts and ideas my generation only fantasized about after a episode of the 60’s TV series Star Trek. Technology impacting everyday life on Earth as it does now, was for decades the stuff of Hollywood. Then, the natural progression of thought led us to wonder if (or when) Google or Facebook, or O’Reilly himself, might lead us into a version 3.0 promised land.

IDA bringing in the FDI
PR Insights

FDI Communications Inside Scoop: Ireland’s IDA Calls for US PR Assist

News of and IDA Ireland seeking proposals from US based PR firms speaks well for the country’s forward momentum, and tells volumes about real business expectations of communications companies. IDA’s call for proposals makes no bones about media outreach as a component value.

The ad-men are back - Art Detail Coca-Cola ad Boys Life mar 1944 - courtesy José Roitberg
PR Insights

Native Advertising: Will It Save or Slay the Needy Media?

Lewis DVorkin is a great writer. Check that, Lewis DVorkin’s a brilliant writer. A Forbes piece pitting the ad world against the PR industry Monday echoes of Richard Edelman public relations celebrity (and might to an extent), but the piece also emits the cries of a fairly stupefied textual news media too. More than this though, these kinds of editorials could decry the very journalistic separation the PR and media industry content needs separating. This begs the question; “Is the public full on ready for inherently blurred ideals, or can communicative wizards make the magic transformation stick?

Richard Edelman
PR News

Edelman Study: Does It Pave the Way to Total PR Solution?

Released today, and Edelman report dealing with ethical aspects of so-called sponsored content attempts to mitigate proper disclosure intersecting quality and even the future of online news journalism. Prepared by noted professional blogger and EVP/Global Strategy and Insights for Edelman, Steve Rubel, the report goes a long way toward beginning a discussion on what’s “next” for news, if not concrete solutions to the media’s revenue problems to come.