EPR Staff

Vyacheslav Lashchevskiy
PR News

AGT Communications Group Expands in North America

Last week AGT Communications Group, representing the interests of PROI Worldwide, announced the further expansion of their communicative brand with the addition of Walker Sands Communications (Chicago) and 360 Public Relations (Boston) as the newest members of the group.

Namibia, another place investors likely know little of - courtesy Rui Ornelas
PR News

FTI Consulting Points to US Investor “Dunno” Over Africa

Research conducted by FTI Consulting recently indicates a fairly dramatic lack of investor knowledge on the African continent. Released in time for President Obama’s visits there, the study laid bare wide gaps in knowledge of US-Africa trade issues.

PR News

Will Yahoo Make “Hangouts” Out of Rondee?

If Google has gotten a lot of public perception miles out of buying stuff, Yahoo! can certainly be said to be on a PR roll given their most recent Rondee acquisition. The San Diego based free conference calling service grab does have a few experts puzzled as to where Yahoo’s small business segment is going to run with this latest new toy.

Courtesy © gromovataya - Fotolia.com
PR Insights

The One Social Element Any Influencer Needs – A HIT Story

Did you ever wonder just why you “friended” or “followed” that profile in social media? I mean, did you really ever fully realize the ways in which influence is leveraged? I’m not talking about Klout scores, nobody every heralded to me or anyone I know their 72 Klout score etc. (my own dropped to 61 of late). What I am talking about is real influence. Interested?

Kazuo Hirai
Technology PR

The Coming Sony Shift – Can the World’s Most Famous Tech Producer Produce?

Arguably the world’s most famous and venerated technology corporation, Sony has had its fair share of hardships these last few years. With a generation of consumers migrating from big screen, big ticket electronics onto so-called “smart devices” and their incumbent tiny screens, Sony’s “bread and butter” products must now take a back seat to their Xperia and other lines. The big question on every Sony fan or investor’s mind is; “can the company revisit the summit of the technology mountain.”

Columbia Sportswear
PR News

EXCLUSIVE: Columbia Sportswear Sends Out RFP

Just in, Columbia Sportswear has sent out a request for proposal (RFP) for entertainment marketing firms to attend a coming campaign to focus on the Columbia Sportswear target demographic. Columbia Sportswear Company owns Columbia, Mountain Hardwear, SOREL, Montrail and the Pacific Trail brands, but according to the request questionnaire the company sent out, the focus will be exclusively for the Columbia brand name.

Legendary Pictures
Entertainment PR

Legendary Pictures Buys Its Very Own FIVE33 Marketing

In entertainment related PR news, Thomas Tull and Legendary Pictures has just acquired in just acquired strategic marketers FIVE33. The Los Angeles and London based marketing firm will be integrated into the overall Legendary scheme of operations according to the company news via Deadline Hollywood.

Seven Dials PR
PR News

Simon Kelner: No Bollocks, but New PR Nevertheless?

Coming Soon for businesses in need of PR in the UK, Seven Dials PR is a new agency set to launch under the direction of Simon Kelner, former editor-in-chief of the Independent. In an interesting turn observers are now focused on the emerging litany of communications figures and their endeavors. Are we destined to more BS or a lot less “bollocks” where the voices of business are concerned?

The coming iHelmet
Technology PR

Sergey Brin Never Sent My Google Glass Test Kit!

Did you get your Google Glass test unit yet? If not, then you’re simply not cool at all. At least this is the sense most of the online world must have seeing the likes of Robert Scoble or Pete Cashmore among the 8,000 “explorers,” people picked by Google to wear the first ones of these massively anticipated wearable smart toys. Okay, maybe more than toys.