EPR Staff

Chase Bank
PR Insights

Chase PR vs. Bank of America PR

In the banking arena there are few better than Bank of America, and JPMorgan Chase. How do they do PR?   Similar Sufferings Both banks

Effective Messages
PR Insights

PR’s Role In Shaping Effective Messages

When building a house, one hires a contractor, not a doctor. The same principle applies to businesses with the goal of becoming successful. Smart businesses

Mesa Water District
Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS

California Water Seeks a Social Media Company

Mesa Water District (Mesa Water®) – has issued an RFP and is seeking a social media firm. Mesa Water®, a special district, was formed on

singapore public relations
PR Insights

Top Singapore PR Agencies

Check out the Everything PR News selection of some of the best PR firms in Singapore. Hill + Knowlton Strategies Singapore Managed in Singapore by

Brian Solis everything-pr
PR Insights

Brian Solis: Blurring Brand and Experience

Brian Solis is a leader in the world of digital communication, branding, and marketing for corporations. He is a digital analyst, anthropologist, and futurist for