The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit responses from qualified graphic designers to produce a suite of electronic and print materials to unify our image and more effectively communicate our programs, activities, opportunities, and work product.
Created in 1983, the NH Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA) supports community development, affordable housing and economic development activities that benefit low- and moderate-income people and communities in New Hampshire. CDFA manages nearly $25 million in funding resources, which includes a combination of state tax credits, federal Community Development Block Grant and energy funds. We support the development of vibrant and resilient communities by providing financial resources to nonprofits, community development organizations, counties, municipalities, and for-profit businesses. These organizations, in partnership with CDFA, see our work in revitalized downtowns, the building of high-quality childcare facilities, supporting the expansion of business to provide job opportunities, the creation of new housing units, investments in clean energy projects and the support and development of a healthy nonprofit sector. CDFA seeks a new design for our promotional materials, to ensure impact, consistency, and sophistication. CDFA seeks the services of a graphic design professional to create a dynamic, contemporary, inviting, and visually stimulating suite electronic and print materials to build and unify our identity, promote awareness of and interest in our work, and effectively communicate our programs, activities, opportunities, and work product
Scope of Work:
The “Services” consist of, and the successful graphic design firm shall provide, the following:
1. Conceptualize, design, and deliver graphic-design material that may include, immediate review and redesign ecosystem graphic, infographic to communicate CDFA’s history, review and recommendation of infographics to increase readability of Program Guide and formatting of Program Guide. Future work could include conceptualization, design, and delivery of graphic-design material including brochures, fact sheets, invitations, email templates, infographics, invitations, advertisements, flyers, email newsletter templates, and various other graphic and visual projects, as needed by CDFA.
2. All design, materials, and concepts provided in the performance of the Services shall be suitable for printing by a separate contractor.
3. Upon acceptance of each design or concept, the Partnership will retain all intellectual property rights
Due Date:
Friday, November 15, 2019.
New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority
Attn: Melissa Latham, Communications Manager
14 Dixon Ave, Suite 102
Concord, NH 03301
P: 603-226-2170
Relevant agencies include MWWPR and Shift Communications.