5 reasons Deirdre Breakenridge is a PR pro you need to know

Deirdre Breakenridge
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Deirdre Breakenridge

Nobody talks about it, but it’s the most important question to answer when choosing a public relations profession: “Why should I hire them…and not someone else?” Everyone does that math, but few people are direct enough to tell you why they hired Someone Else … and not you. They just go with The Other Guy and leave you wondering. For many PR professionals in greater New York, the “Other Guy” is actually the “Other Gal” … Deirdre Breakenridge, to be specific.

In this article we will focus on five specific dynamics that set Deirdre Breckenridge apart.

Deirdre’s PR pedigree is distinctive and nuanced

Breakenridge is a 25-year industry veteran whose previous employers include NYU, Pearson and Mango! Marketing. Success at each previous endeavor gives Deirdre a proven track record across multiple industries including higher education, publishing and both B2B and B2C marketing. So, when any potential client asks, “Can you help me?” Breakenridge can sincerely answer, “Absolutely.”

Corporate success and individual accolades…

In addition to success working with businesses and brands through her company, Pure Performance Communications, Breakenridge has a well-established personal platform. Deirdre is a prolific author, sought-after speaker and recognized expert in the fields of public relations and a pioneer in the now-essential field of social media (PR 2.0) public relations.

Social media presence is on point…

When selecting a PR pro in the digital age, you must take their social media presence into consideration. What does their profile and content say about them? Are they brash, daring, competent, dynamic, creative or careful? Do they actively engage, or are they passively responsive? Deirdre gets high marks in all categories. She should, PR 2.0 is her bread and butter. When a professional in any industry absolutely (and in this case, literally) puts on a clinic in their chosen focus point, you know they understand both the principle and the application, a distinction too many professionals – in every industry – seem to lack.

When you ask another pro about Deirdre…

Public relations is, at its core, about delivering your message in a way that cultivates a receptive audience. You can tell a lot about a PR pro by the way their colleagues and clients talk about them. Business marketing and leadership guru Steve Woodruff pulls no punches in his assessment of Breakenridge. “When I think PR, I think about Deirdre. Not only is she amazingly smart and experienced, she is warm, friendly, and pays it forward. A wonderful person to know and work with.”

She is accessible and connective…

Finally, and perhaps most important, Breakenridge is known for being both accessible and connective. Through her extensive web presences and social media interactions, Deirdre exemplifies the vital relational aspects of PR in the digital age. You can learn what she’s all about in five minutes, and yet spend hours – maybe weeks – digging into her virtual reams of industry wisdom and barely scratch the surface of her award-winning public relations perspective. With Deirdre, there is always something important to learn and another imminently applicable truth on which to build your business.

Bottom line, Deirdre practices the PR skills and applications she preaches with the deft touch indicative of the decorated industry pro that she is. She has earned her strong reputation as a “go-to” expert in New York’s crowded PR field, and her clients say she earns it again with every interaction.

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