Georgia State University Issues Marketing RFP for Tobacco Free Living Media Campaign

Georgia State University Issues Marketing RFP for Tobacco Free Living Media Campaign

Georgia State University Issues Marketing RFP for Tobacco Free Living Media Campaign

Georgia State University has issued a marketing RFP for a Tobacco Free Living Media Campaign. The Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness Partnerships to Improve Community Health (PICH) Program was created through a cooperative agreement between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Fulton County Government in September 2014. The PICH Program supports the implementation of evidence-based strategies and initiatives with the goals of reducing health disparities, lowering the incidence of chronic disease and promoting healthier lifestyles throughout Fulton County. To achieve these goals, the PICH Program is working in partnership with community, government, education, healthcare, corporate, faith-based and non-profit organizations in the areas of active living, healthy eating, tobacco-free living and walkable, livable communities.

The PICH Program is working with its Active Living Program partners to increase the number of Fulton County residents with access to physical activity opportunities, especially students in K-12 schools; members of faith-based organizations; and children and adolescents supervised by outside-of-school care providers, through the creation of physical education programs and wellness policies.

Healthy Eating

The PICH Program is working with its Healthy Eating Program partners, including schools and early care centers, to promote good nutrition by helping to increase access to environments with healthy food and beverage options for all persons affected by food deserts and obesity in identified high-risk areas.

Tobacco-Free Living

The PICH Program is working with its Tobacco-Free Living Program partners to Increase the number of people with improved access to tobacco and/or smoke free environments by:

  • Increasing the number of restaurants/bars with comprehensive smoke free policies
  • Increasing the number of jurisdictions with tobacco free policies in outside recreation areas or parks
  • Increasing the number of multi-unit housing structures with voluntary tobacco free policies

The School of Public Health at Georgia State University, home to a number of tobacco control experts and faculty who are highly experienced in working with coalitions to make important local, public health change, was selected by Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness to support specific PICH Tobacco-Free Living activities. Using the GSU sought-after experts and other tobacco control specialists, the team supports the work of the Fulton County PICH tobacco control efforts to educate the public and make needed progress toward smoke free policies.

Marketing RFP asks for agency to provide:

  1. The overall identity and look of the Tobacco-Free Living program recognition program.
  2. A logo design to be used for all Tobacco Free Living activities in Fulton County
  3. Collateral materials to be included in the recognition plan identified in #1:
    • Print-ready smoke free cling-ons for windows (restaurants, bars and multi-unit housing);
    • Print and web-ready infographics to illustrate the benefits of smoke free restaurants, bars, parks and multi-unit housing;
    • A print and web-ready smoke free restaurant guide that highlights restaurants that are smoke free; and
    • A print and web-ready smoke free parks guide that highlights parks that are smoke free
  1. Provide implementation recommendations for the education and recognition materials

Proposal due by August 31, 2016 to:

Karmen Milton
Assistant Director of Purchasing
Georgia State University

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