
Business lessons learned from the pandemic

Obstacles can always be treated as a learning experience. It may take quite a few years to recover from the damage caused by the pandemic, there are different ways in which the pandemic has changed the way we live and work. Businesses have learned very hard lessons on how things

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Reducing inventory costs

The pandemic and its resultant economic challenges have reduced the amount of money available. When money is tight, customers want more for less. As people have relocated over the past couple of years due to the pandemic, many areas have experienced stockouts since the inventory in those areas was not

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Four-day workweek

A lot of studies have been done on working four days a week, some companies have already started implementing it. Everyone loves a 3-day weekend, long weekends are always a cause for excitement. A lot of questions arise about the four-day workweek. If this was made the norm, would a

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Leading Omnichannel Marketing Efforts from Brands

By now, most companies have figured out that customers want to engage with businesses across a variety of communication and public relations channels. However, at the same time, most companies also feel overwhelmed when they have to start implementing an omnichannel marketing strategy. That’s why one of the best ways to

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Portable tech accessories

Tech accessories help to increase productivity. Given the fact that technology is indispensable, gadgets play an important role in our daily lives. Work and entertainment are becoming seamless with devices and they are becoming a necessity in most homes. Given below are some tech accessories that are portable. Bluetooth frames

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Hawkins International Pr Firm Profile

Tips on Buying an Apartment in New York City

Having purchased real estate in New York City, Ronn Torossian says given the competitive space of the New York City real estate market, it’s not always easy for people to find and buy the right apartment that they can start living in. Fortunately, with the right space, anyone can start and end this

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Steps for Purchasing an Apartment in New York City

New York City has over 8 million people living in it, and it’s a popular tourist attraction on top of that. The residents of The Big Apple have plenty of opportunities to experience all sorts of things given the city’s financial and business centers, upscale communities, and a variety of

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Side hustle ideas

People often take up side hustles when they are looking for alternate ways to make money. They might have financial goals or they might be looking forward to earning from projects that they are passionate about. Sometimes, pursuing a passion is just not feasible. A major portion of the population

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Benefits of having a side hustle

Everybody can do with a little bit more money. That is why people are adopting the strategy of side hustle to supplement their income. A side hustle is an additional means of making money outside someone’s 9 to 5 job.  Multiple sources of income are always welcome. Side hustles have

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Breaking bad habits with Pavlok

It is not easy to do away with bad habits and stick to good ones. Bad habits are normal responses to stress and boredom. One can always learn to adopt healthy ways to deal with stress and boredom. Bad habits might seem beneficial and they can be anything from biting

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