News From M. Booth, Brunswick, Rubenstein PR And Omnicom PR Firms

Two M Booth Employees Promoted to SVP Status

M Booth

Both Scott Varland and Michelle Overall joined M Booth in February and are now being put in SVP roles as SVP of marketing tech, and SVP of entertainment marketing respectively. Varley will work with both the content studio (Made@Mbooth) and creative team in place at the firm while working out of the New York office. Before M Booth, he worked at IPG Media Lab, Ansible, Refinery 29, and at several private equity firms.

Overall will work more closely with clients regarding entertainment strategy bringing brands and spokespeople together as well as lining up clients with integration opportunities in music, film, and television. She worked previously at Grey Group where she started and oversaw their talent, licensing, and casting work. She’s also worked at Ketchum, MS&L, and Starpower in their entertainment marketing divisions.

Brunswick Opening Chicago Office – Fifth in US

The Brunswick Chicago office will be headed up by Jayne Rosefield, one of the Brunswicks NY branch’s partners, and a former Edelman leader – Christopher Hannegan. The opening is officially scheduled for May, but they have a temporary office with minimal staff there working already. Rosefield has been with Brunswick since 2005 after she left JP Morgan, she also has experience in M&A efforts such as Kraft bringing Cadbury in, AB InBev acquiring SABMiller, as well as with Dairy Crest, PepsiCo, and Unilever.

Hannegan has been with Brunswick since October, but most of his career has been in Chicago. Eventually, they will be joined by several staff members from both the US and UK offices. Other US offices are in New York, San Francisco, Dallas, and DC. In their 23 global offices, they employ more than 1,000 people.

Alkamind Adds Rubenstein PR as their AOR

Alkamind offers products to help reduce acid and cleanse the system, their products also provide proteins, greens, and essential minerals. It’s common in our high-stress American lifestyle and diet that people eat foods with high acid content and not enough green and natural products, leaving many people on a downward energy spiral. Alkamind products help offset those issues.

Omnicom Reports Growth for Their PR Firms in 2017 Q1

The PR groups of the holding group were reported as 1.8% organic revenue growth for the first quarter of the year, reaching $325 million in PR revenue. Omnicom, with all of its efforts –  advertising, specialty, CRM, and PR was up by 4.4%, with the PR groups being the lowest among the four areas.

In 2016, Omnicom formed the PR groups and put Karen van Bergen in charge, she had been CEO for Porter Novelli before that, which is now one of the main PR firms in the group. Omnicom’s PR division has had difficulty over the last couple of years in gaining consistent growth, but managed to show growth in 2016, and are starting positive in 2017 now as well.

Kate Richmond Becomes Chief Talent Officer at WE Communications

Kate Richmond has been promoted from Sr. VP of talent acquisition and development to Chief Talent Officer, reporting to Melissa Waggener Zorkin, cofounder of WE. This is a new executive position. She has moved into the new position bringing all her previous efforts as well as now being in charge of the HR efforts for the 20 or so staff members company-wide. She’s been with WE for 15+ years, coming into the job she’s been filling in 2012.

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