The Open Government Partnership (OGP) Issues RFP For Advertising/PR/Marketing

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) Issues RFP For Advertising/PR/Marketing

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking a creative and strategic partner to help advance its global mission.  This partner will provide high-level support for a refresh/redesign of with special attention to developing strong user paths and creating data visualizations to relay key information from OGP’s new State of Open Government report (2019 release).  Additionally, we may need support in retooling/refining our databases and creating a mobile or offline application.


OGP brings together government reformers and civil society leaders to create action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive and accountable.  To date, 79 OGP participating countries and 20 local governments have made over 3,000 commitments. All commitments are reviewed and assessed by the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) housed at OGP.

In 2019, OGP will be investing in a communications strategy focused on demonstrating impact.  This new strategy will require website adjustments, including:

  • Storytelling:  Building on the video and  storytelling seen on , including greater integration with other areas of the main website.
  • Campaigns:  Creating dedicated time-bound campaigns on key issues.  The first campaign will support OGP’s Feminist Open Gov initiative and needs a “home” on website.
  • Open Gov Week:  Expand Open Gov Week to include more partners and participants.
  • IRM Reporting:  Leverage the IRM reports to create outreach opportunities and share progress and hold governments accountable.  Example IRM report can be found here
  • Earned Media:  Reach out to media outlets to earn coverage on a national and regional bases. Website should provide clear, accessible information with links to speeches, fact sheets and key reports.
  • Thought Leadership:  Build thought leadership platforms for OGP staff and ambassadors and envoys.
  • Branding and Messaging Enforcement:  Create new web brand standards based on current guidelines on visual design and messaging.
  • Data, analysis, and research: A hub for OGP’s data, analysis, and research outputs as well as from its partners.

Additionally, In 2019, OGP will also launch its first State of Open Government report (working title), which will do the following:

  • Visibility: Build global awareness of OGP values and the partnership’s role, as well as country performance, especially to high-level actors and politicians;
  • Close the gaps: Create compelling incentives to close the ambition and implementation gaps at the national level;
  • Comparability: Provide a means by which countries may compare themselves with one another and compare action plans over time and by which OGP may begin to benchmark its impact in key policy areas;
  • Collective action: Cultivate a sense of shared ownership and accountability for cross-cutting reforms in priority areas for all OGP countries;
  • Context and achievement: Demonstrate and highlight many of the most ambitious and high-impact commitments, as well as “champion” and “laggard” members.
  • Practical tools. Products will function as direct tools to inform and frame discussion for OGP Support Unit teams and partners working at the global, thematic, and country levels.

Scope of Work:



  • Improve user experience
  • Showcase new branding and messaging
  • Promote campaigns, storytelling and thought-leadership
  • Repair degraded design and intent of last redesign
  • Improve search function
  • Determine best CMS in line with organization values and current site. Note: We would prefer to use Drupal or another open source CMS such as WordPress with due consideration paid to any necessary restructuring, re-flow, and migration.

Specific Requirements

  • Significant update to home page and navigation inline with branding guidelines
  • Refresh of “thematic pages” organization and content
  • Refresh of all “country pages” with focus on how information can be easily obtained and used and how reports on commitments should be structured and integrated.
  • Refresh “Stories” to focus on thought-leadership and quality over quantity
  • Re-envision resource and tailor to each audience (i.e a resource page for media)
  • Incorporate photos and video (see for examples of content)
  • Showcase key research reports (TRUST publication, Skeptics Guide To Open Government
  • Create a home for upcoming campaigns starting with Feminist Open Government
  • Reduction of the top-level use of PDFs
  • Translation module which offers default on-the-fly machine translation as well as the ability to override with custom translations
  • Repair search function
  • Review usefulness of map
  • Preservation of current workable items – may include map, country “visualizations”, various content buckets and cross filtering.

Website “Wish List”

  • Some sort of data view which effectively shows both quantifiable and narrative aspects of country progress and experience
  • Invite/manage user requests (and a way to archive questions asked and answered?)
  • Section-by-section commenting (ala civicomment or medium)
  • Direct delivery of IRM report, self-evaluations and action plans from participants through a secure and templated form
  • We are building around sites such as Open Gov Week and OGP stories to find functionality and design we need.

Current Website Challenges

  • Users are unable to find the information they need easily and quickly. Most staff use Google to locate documents
  • Website is a dumping ground without good protocols or systems for identifying and promoting current content vs. outdated archival material
  • Maintenance and update systems are broken or missing, wide gap between creation of content and display on website
  • Site teems with pernicious redundancy
  • Translation is non-functional (current Transifex)
  • Mobile/low bandwidth experience needs attention
  • We are not using photography, video or multimedia content
  • Improve sign-ups to newsletter
  • Lack of scalability (limited ability to add new features based on changing needs of the organization)
  • Creation of a way (ways?) in to our essential databases with simple and advanced filters

Due Date:

September 28th


Agencies to consider include APCO Worldwide and Zeno Group.

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