Utah Attempts to Gag the Porn Industry

Porn Industry

All “art forms” venture into controversy at some point, but none more so than the pornographic film industry. Since its inception, porn repeatedly faced a backlash from a wide range of organizations and groups in the public sphere – angry wives, disgusted Christians, concerned public health officials, and offended feminists.

In spite of some attempts to regulate activities within the porn industry, most often this led to more talk than action – but not in Utah. In 2014, Utah cracked down on revenge porn, to protect minors and legal adults who became the victim of angry exes or unrequited lovers who distributed nude content without their consent. Now, the state takes things ten steps further by pushing for legal action, which would make porn a “public health crisis.”

What can the Porn industry do?

Unlike most other industries in the market, porn lacks the advantage of arguing for continuation of the indispensable services it brings to society. It does not provide food, water, clothing, medication, or meet any other necessary needs for human beings. As a result, to fight to remain relevant and freely accessible in society might not do as much good as it would for other industry leaders.

But even so – what choice does it have? Without putting up a fight, the industry might very well lose out to other conservatives following in Utah’s footsteps. This means calling in public relations specialists to do some damage control and push a better image. So what can they do, exactly?

Porn Fans

Call on the Fans

As Utah and several studies pointed out, porn is highly addictive and usually leads to the formation of habits among users. As a result, many porn viewers stand behind the industry to ensure it stays in business. The industry can call on this fan base to fight legislative action and to rally for its cause.

The Flip Side of the Story

Another approach the porn industry could take is showing their side of the story. Sure, there are negative effects on many viewers from watching porn, but the same can be said of using virtually any “product” – even pharmaceuticals. Maybe especially pharmaceuticals.

This doesn’t mean there aren’t benefits. Many couples use porn to rekindle old flames and spice up the marriage, and many younger couples get their thrill from making amateur porn together. Is this really something that the government should regulate in the public sphere? The porn industry needs to pose the question.

Pass the Blame

Finally, the porn industry should consider passing the blame to other parties. Making porn does not mean people need to watch it. Parents should better monitor their children’s use of devices, and the government should ensure better sexual education initiatives in schools to teach the difference between the fantasy of porn, and real-life sexual experiences.

Why take responsibility for what other groups should handle on their own? The porn industry’s job is to make porn. It’s a parent’s job to raise their children to become responsible and law-abiding adults, irrespective of the influences around them – and the government’s job to imprison them when they don’t.

No matter what direction the porn industry takes, they can expect a difficult battle ahead. This might mean bending to new public health laws to stay in the business, or make a stand for sexual freedom, no matter how taboo it might seem.

Still, the industry should proceed cautiously and not rely too heavily on public support. They must keep in mind that many porn viewers would not dare mar their reputations by taking a public stance for an industry linked to domestic abuse, sexual harassment, rape, and the spread of sexually transmitted infections.

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