Category: Technology PR

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Mobile Apps Displaying Ads Kill Smart Phones Batteries Faster

SmartPhonesDid you ever use mobile phone app that displayed ads (in order to be a free version) and saw that your mobile phone’s battery was drained very fast? Well, it’s natural, according to a new report from Microsoft and Purdue University which shows that such applications have a rate of power usage up to 75% higher than other apps.

TIME’s Lev Grossman 0

SXSW: A Recap of the Startups and Strategies We Love

Social serendipity became one of the hottest trends for this Austin conference, leveraging new technology around ambient discovery to connect people of similar interests. Highlight, Forecast, and the other discovery apps became the darlings of this year’s event, marking SXSW a successful laboratory to test the latest in social tech.

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Instagram Value Soars

It might be free to use but that hasn’t stopped the developers of the hugely popular Instagram photo sharing app reaping the rewards. With users being picked up faster than it takes to snap a photo, the company behind the app has just received funding to the tune of $40 million, shooting its total value up to a massive $500 million. Not bad for a startup.

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People > Technology

A look at people vs. technologies, by Harrison Kratz, Community Manager at MBA@UNC, a new initiative which allows students to receive their MBA online from the University of North Carolina from anywhere around the world.