Water Social Media Agency Is Needed

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The Castaic Lake Water Agency (CLWA), a public water agency that serves an area of 195 square miles in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties is seeking a social media and branding agency. CLWA is a water wholesaler that provides over half of the water used by Santa Clarita Valley (SCV) households and businesses. The mission of CLWA is to provide reliable, quality water at a reasonable price to the SCV. CLWA operates three treatment plants, three pump stations, three storage facilities and over 45 miles of transmission pipelines. CLWA supplements local groundwater supplies managed by local water retailers with State Water Project water from northern California and other imported sources.

CLWA seeks an agency to evaluate the effectiveness of its 2016 social marketing campaigns, outreach efforts to promote conservation, and agency branding efforts.

During 2016, CLWA focused its social marketing campaigns on two messages:

  1. “I’m Doing More” (January – June 2016). This campaign was developed as a result of the heightened intensity of the drought.  The message needed to remain timely, fresh and coincide with the extension of the drought emergency by the Governor and/or any changes in the weather (e.g., a wet El Niño). Staff developed a campaign that launched in January 2016, which focused on highlighting residents that are doing more during the drought. In the campaign, “I’m Doing More”, residents are removing their lawns, planting drought tolerant plants and using drip irrigation.
  2. “Less Lawn, More Color” (July – December 2016). This campaign will focus on changing the landscape aesthetic in the Santa Clarita Valley by promoting landscaping options other than grass. This campaign is loosely associated with our residential Lawn Replacement Program.

Major California PR agencies include Edelman PR, Porter Novelli & DKC PR.

Proposals are due by June 30, 2016 to:

Castaic Lake Water Agency

Administration Building

27234 Bouquet Canyon Road

Santa Clarita, CA 91350

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