EPR Staff

U2 Bono
PR News

Music PR: U2’s Bono and Self Aggrandizement

U2 lead singer Bono thinks downloading U2 music illegally is as bad as online child pornography. In an article for the New York Times Bono compares illegal downloads to the evils of child porn suggesting federal authorities track down U2 revenue as diligently as arresting child pornographers. What a guy! If his artistic passion were expressed so eloquently, it is doubtful anyone would download a song of his.

Waggener Edstrom
PR News

Terms for the Video Game Market by Waggener Edstrom

Waggener Edstrom is one of the most digitally savvy PR firms in the world. One might think they would be immune to over hyping reports or creating terms to sound technical, but apparently they are not. Why do firms do more lip service than real service these days? Is talk cheaper than action? Sounding technical does not mean one is technically inclined.

Jennifer Lopez PR
Entertainment PR

Jennifer Lopez’s Public Relations Goof

Jennifer Lopez’s PR people pulled out all the stops to hype here New Year’s Eve performance, but over what? Jennifer’s supposed “new fanny” is the talk of the town now, but is this just hapless hype? Video of the event reveals a J-Lo with virtually no derriere at all where once a shapely figure existed. The bad news for Lopez is that someone convinced her she needed such publicity.

SSPR - SS Public Relations
PR News

SS PR: SS Public Relations Hired by QuamTel

QuamTel has just hired SS PR as their agency of record and will be working to expand public awareness of their client’s services. SS PR will be helping their client reach a wider client base around the country.

Porter Novelli
PR News

Porter Novelli Hired by Ashbury as Pr Agency

Porter Novelli has been chosen by Asbury Automotive Group as their new public relations agency of record. The PR firm will be handling all communications for the company from Jan. 1st.