EPR Staff

makovsky PR logo
PR News

Makovsky + Company, Cutting Edge Digital Communication, Almost

Makovsky + Company is one of the world’s leading PR and investment consultancies. We intended to evaluate the company’s online digital presence, and found some real pluses and on the other end of the spectrum, a few surprising minuses which indicate “loose ends” with regard to the company’s branding online.

PR News

Waggener Edstrom: Being Second Means Trying Harder

Our focus is, as it should be, on the Internet primarily. It is our area of expertise, it is what we do. We are not perfect, but we know what perfect looks like. Waggener has a wonderful digital footprint in their site. Aesthetically, it is superb in my mind. However, much like Edelman, but in some different was, it is flawed. This is not the worst thing in the world, but for a company that represent Microsoft, and professes to be cutting edge, it does send the wrong message.

janet thaeler newspaper girl
PR News

Janet Thaeler Speaks About Social Media

She works for OrangeSoda Enterprise, a company that has a website as fresh as its name, and with her we launch Featured Experts – a category that will bring you advice from the best of the best in public relations and social media. They don’t have to be famous: their actions and professional conduct are what define value in our glossary.

PR News

PR Made Caylee Sunshine Dolls Popular

This is one of those unfortunate situations when bad PR is better than no PR. Almost everyone is against the Caylee Sunshine dolls, yet the negative press just made them popular.

The Publicity Agency
PR News

The Publicity Agency: Drew Peterson’s PR Set To Overturn Law Next

The details are not so important for PR professionals or the Goofy Awards, as the implication. The question is; “Should any credible PR agency even undertake such a campaign?” I suppose if Johnny Cochran can make a big name defending O.J., and the money is right, then some agencies would jump at the chance. However, I know that turning down such a fiasco would render as much good publicity as the bad this one will sling.

PR News

The Best Should Be The Best – Scrutinizing Greatness

Being number one carries with it a set of expectations. The expectations of clients, potential clients, contemporaries, competitors and business at large demand a perfect digital image. I did not set out to pick on a giant today, a failed expectation led me to it. Expecting a company with over 3,000 employees, an elite clientele, and a reach that spans 5 continents to display an awesome digital world presence is natural.

pr firms
PR Insights

So What Exactly Is Public Relations?

If you have ever felt overwhelmed by all the different things that have been published at the speed of light in the last few weeks since the site was started, and are looking to get some idea on what the heck Public Relations individuals/experts/specialists do, but do not really know where to start, we are going to start a section where we’ll talk about the fundamentals of Everything PR.

Horn Group everything-pr
PR News

Horn Group – Cutting Edge Digital World Image

“If a company does not think enough of themselves or their potential clients to make the best site (or store front) possible, then how can they be expected to convey their client’s ideals?”