Florida Developmental Disabilities Council Issues Public Relations RFP

Florida Developmental Disabilities Council Issues Public Relations RFP

Florida Developmental Disabilities Council Issues Public Relations RFP

The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, a non-profit has issued an RFP for a Public Relations firm. Public relations and media consultation are needed to supplement and support the activities of the Council members, staff and volunteers to effectively communicate specific issues concerning individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families with members of the Florida Legislature and the general public.

The purpose of increasing effective communication is to garner support for issues affecting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families and to assist Floridians, both lawmakers and the public, to better understand and address the needs of individuals with disabilities.

Statement of Work:

The Council is seeking an entity to provide public relations and media services, as needed during 2016-2017, to increase the visibility of the Council’s advocacy, systems change, and capacity-building initiatives. The selected provider will provide public relations and media services to educate a wide range of target populations on the policies, laws, programs, and issues affecting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The selected entity will assist Council staff in advocating for improved services and supports and in marketing Council events that will benefit individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families and caregivers, and the systems that support them. These public relations services will be provided as needed to the Council to supplement the work of the Council’s Communication Coordinator and Public Policy Coordinator.

The selected provider will deliver the following types of public relations and media services, as needed and identified by the Council:

  • Provide support services to the Council’s Communication Coordinator and Public Policy Coordinator;
  • Provide public relations and media consultation services on an as-needed basis;
  • Prepare and/or disseminate press releases, press kits, letters to the editor, Op-Ed pieces, and other informational materials, both in written and electronic formats, designed to gain media coverage of the materials;
  • Organize, implement, and promote press conferences and other media strategies to garner media coverage;  and
  • Assist with the planning and implementation of the Council’s Developmental Disabilities Awareness Day at the Capitol.

The selected provider will also conduct content analysis of news coverage, including the development of a matrix showing volume of media placements, projected reach (based on circulation or viewership) and, if appropriate, qualitative values (positive versus negative nature of coverage).

Proposal due by August 10th to:

Florida  Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.
124 Marriott Drive, Suite 203
Tallahassee, FL 32301-2981
FDDC website (www.fddc.org)

Leading Florida PR firms include Zimmerman Agency, Max Borges Agency and RBB Communications.

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