Yahoo! to Unveil Its New Logo on September 4th
Yahoo! has a sense of humor: they launched a 30 days challenge to engage conversations about their rebranding strategy, gather user feedback, and to boost brand awareness.
RFP, Public Relations, Marketing, Social Media and more!
Yahoo! has a sense of humor: they launched a 30 days challenge to engage conversations about their rebranding strategy, gather user feedback, and to boost brand awareness.
In a move that really shows the PRSA does have teeth, the Dallas chapter of the organization as not only condemned unethical behavior, but banned ex-newsman Mike Snyder for life. And in so doing, the local chapter sheds light on the darker side of bad PR practice.
Although most people are pleased with the readily-available and always-getting-cheaper 1,080p high definition (HD) TV sets, some people were thinking that maybe it’s time for something better — and it’s here. Enter 4K ultra-high-definition TV.
I had a meeting earlier this week in Washington, D.C. with Jim Bankoff, CEO of Vox Media, whose properties include SB Nation, The Verge and Polygon. I love to visit with feisty independent companies taking on the establishment; in his case it is Fox, Yahoo! and ESPN. Bankoff has had a distinguished career in the media, working on the start up of TMZ, running AOL’s* portal and then overseeing their instant messaging service.
I am unsure of the data but I have no doubt that printed newspapers and magazines remain very influential in Europe. One cannot enter a coffee shop of a restaurant without seeing actual papers, much as one cannot enter a major city without seeing many newsstands. In terms of influence, and the man on the street, there’s no doubt that public relations companies concerned with Europe need to realize the buzz created by papers there.
Instagram’s 130 million users uploaded so many videos in the first eight hours that it would take you a whole year to watch them all. And it’s not going to be long before these 15 second InstaVideos become 15 second InstaAds.
Despite the indisputable fact that promotion in social networks is now in trend, many business owners are still skeptical about this promotional way and reluctant to invest money in it. This article will give some useful tips on how to convince your client that promotion in Facebook (or in any other social network) is a profitable investment that will pay off in future.
Still in their infancy, hashtags on Facebook will be adopted quickly and will stimulate conversations between users and brands around issues of common concern.
Did you ever wonder just why you “friended” or “followed” that profile in social media? I mean, did you really ever fully realize the ways in which influence is leveraged? I’m not talking about Klout scores, nobody every heralded to me or anyone I know their 72 Klout score etc. (my own dropped to 61 of late). What I am talking about is real influence. Interested?
Nonprofits are making good use of social media networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. But Tumblr, the social media blogging service is still new territory for most nonprofits. It doesn’t have to be that way. Tumblr is a richly textured resource that could be an awesome adjunct to any nonprofit organization’s online presence.