The Best New Social Networks for Marketers

Public Relations Social Media

Okay, everyone knows Facebook and Twitter are must-have social platforms. But they have limits, and you don’t want to be captive to the whims of their programmers. You only have so many hours in the day, so what other social platforms deserve your attention? And are there any that are just about to blow up that could place you on the cutting edge? This article breaks down some of the best social sites for marketers and reveals some of the up and coming platforms you need to watch.

Periscope – for real-time engagement, there may be nothing better than periscope. Video is king on social media, and Periscope allows users to share video content in the most active, instant, and communal way possible. Bring your audience into your world, show them what’s important to you and bring your branding to the next level.

Slideshare – okay, so this one has a very specific application, but that doesn’t make it something to ignore. The purpose of Slideshare is to quickly and easily share PowerPoint presentations. Right now you’re thinking, “Really, PowerPoint. Are you cracked?” Nope. Consider, in 2015, more than 40 percent of B2B marketers said they used Slideshare to distribute their content. Why? Because it’s an easy way to share your work, contribute to conversations with more than comments and increase your content legitimacy, and perception of expertise.

Wanelo – this may just be the most aptly named social site of all time. A derivative of “want, need, love” Wanelo allows consumers to do what they have always wanted. Focus ONLY on what they want, when they want it, delivered in a way that makes sense to them. Major brands and even Etsy creators are already using Wanelo to drive business and increase their brand loyalty.

Quora – if you want interaction, ask a question. People just can’t resist. It’s that very basic marketing principle that drives the success of Quora. What’s that mean for marketers? Well, if you are on there, answering questions about a specific topic, you have just opened up an opportunity to establish yourself as an expert in that field. Plus you can drive more traffic to your external sites and offers.

Hyper – is a photo-sharing platform that rewards you for giving the public what they want. While hashtags and geotags matter, what matters more on Hyper is upvotes. Topical post feeds are organized by upvotes, which means, if users like your stuff, you stay on top.

Each of these social platforms offers a different opportunity for savvy marketers. Which of these have you used, and which new social sites are you excited about?

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