Small New York PR Company CEO Profiles


Steven Hall CEO STEVEN Hall and PArtners - NY PR

Steven Hall is a founding partner and managing director of Steven Hall & Partners (SH&P). Hall has 35 plus years of experience and expertise in advising upper echelon corporate managers on the best strategies for the planning and implementation of senior executive compensation programs and incentive packages.

Hall’s expertise gives the firm an overall independent perspective, giving it the edge as one of the most influential agencies in corporate governance and the boardroom. Since its establishment in 2005, SH&P has become a nationally recognized firm in the industry having locations in New York City and Palo Alto, California. The agency serves clients around the globe as well as throughout the U.S.

Samantha Digenerro - NYC PRSamantha Digenerro: The founder of DiGennaro Communications is an athlete – who works for clients in a variety of arenas. Some believe this is a prime target for acquisition for a mid-size PR firm. Samantha is reputedly strong in media and “has served as counselor to many independent companies to increase enterprise value on their road to acquisition.

From 1998-2005, Sam built and oversaw the New York, North American, and Global Communications teams at J. Walter Thompson, the world’s first ad agency. During her tenure, Sam helped reposition JWT as a more nimble creative agency.

Prior to that, she was public relations manager at DMB&B. Sam holds degrees from The University of Chicago and has studied etching at The School of Visual Arts.

Steve Cody - NY PR

Steve Cody. Steve is a co-founder of Peppercomm, a strategic communications agency based in New York City and having locations in San Francisco, Boulder, and London.

Peppercomm is recognized in the PR industry for its unique company culture and helping create successful business planning and marketing strategies for clients.

Many believe the best days’ of this firm are behind them – as they havent shed the .com positioning of previous generation legacy. Steve is a graduate of Northeastern University. His co-founder is Ed Moed.

Paul Wilmot Communications CEO NY PR

Paul Wilmot Communications (PWC) – was founded in New York in 1997 and, over the past 18 years the firm has established a superior reputation within the PR industry. PWC provides top-quality marketing and multimedia communications campaigns. Through its effective campaigns, PWC has driven the success of high-profile as well as small, start-up businesses. They provide fashion, beauty & wellness, accessories, culture & lifestyle, and boutique fashion stores and publications.

PWC was acquired by one of the world’s largest PR firms – Fleishman-Hillard in 2008. PWC does good fashion PR work – we don’t recommend them for anything else.

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