How Much Profit Do Large Holding Companies in Public Relations Generate?

Holding Company Public Relations

In the Public Relations Industry it is always important to know the companies behind the PR firms. Everything PR has highlighted the Profits and Losses of 4 large Holding Companies that own one or more PR Firms, and have recently reported their profit / loss statements. Here is what they report.

Text 100 Profits and Losses

Profits and losses of Text 100

During 2014 Text 100 had 13.7% global revenue growth and 20% in the US. Annual profit margins were even better at 16% and 33.8% respectively.

Since the financial report given the end of April 2015, the company has been acquiring several new interests all around the world. So their next report may show great asset holding, but a dip in profitability after factoring in the costs of mergers and acquisitions.

BlueFocus Communication Group

Profits and losses of BlueFocus Communication Group

During the first half of 2015, Blue Focus Communications Group had a good year for mergers and acquisitions, but that also translated to significant financial expenses. This led to a net drop in year-on-year profit of just over 71% to $13.46 million.

But they also reported a revenue increase for the first half of the year of $547 million – due primarily to their international expansion. That expansion gave them $156 million of the overall first half revenue amounts (28%). Of course, they are largely China focused – which is fast-growing.


Profits and losses of MDC Partners

The Strategic Marketing Services unit of MDC Partners controls their PR agency holdings. Strategic Marketing reported fourth quarter revenue in 2014 of nearly $271 million.

Over the same period in 2013, there was a 14.5% growth. For all of 2014, they had over $954 million in revenue translating to 12.2% organic growth. This, of course despite the well-publicized issues largely surrounding CEO Miles Nadal.

Creston Unlimited everything-pr

Profits and losses of Creston Unlimited

Creston Unlimited is a U.K.-based company with PR holdings. They also have a hand in many other types of enterprises. In the first quarter of 2015, the parent company grew from the previous year same time period by 3% in revenue equaling nearly £7.7 million.

This company is relatively new, as it was only formed in 2010. But in 2014 the PR area of the firm had a total revenue of approximately £2.4 million.


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