Washington State Fruit Seeks Media Firm

Washington State Fruit Seeks Media Firm
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Washington State Fruit Seeks Media Firm

The Washington State Fruit Commission (WSFC) has issued an RFP for an agency to handle National Consumer Media. The goal of the WSFC in this contracted relationship is to maximize the national media exposure surrounding the positive attributes of Northwest cherries for the growing regions of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Montana as well as other stone fruits from the state of Washington.

The Washington State Fruit Commission, (the Commission), a corporation and Washington State Agency defined under RCW15.28, was created in order to develop and promote Washington’s soft tree fruits as part of an existing comprehensive regulatory scheme, vital to the continued economic well-being of the citizens of this state and their general welfare that its soft tree fruits be properly promoted by (a) enabling the soft tree fruit industry to help themselves in establishing orderly, fair, sound, efficient, and unhampered cooperative marketing, grading, and standardizing of soft tree fruits they produce; and (b) working to stabilize the soft tree fruit industry by increasing consumption of soft tree fruits within the state, the nation, and internationally.


The scope of this project includes the following:

  • Drive consumer awareness of Northwest cherries, focusing on seasonal availability, health benefits awareness, and/or food & lifestyle exposure.
  • Strategic consulting for predominately national media promotion and publicity.
  • Conceptualizing, copywriting and distributing Northwest cherries press communiqués to traditional and digital media, focusing on the season itself and food/lifestyle categories.
  • Reviewing and reporting media tracking data, highlighting the media results of the 2017 PR campaign on behalf of the WSFC.
  • Performing other reasonable activities as required by WSFC.

Proposal Due Date by March 1, 2017 to:

Kathy Keeth
105 S. 18th St, Suite 2015
Yakima, WA 98901

PR firms in Washington State include Porter Novelli & Waggener Edstrom (WE Communications).

VirgoPR (1)

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