Author: EPR Staff

ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller 0

ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey Released

According to a recent study by Burson-Marsteller, as many as three quarters of all Arab youth feel their countries are headed in the right direction. Overall, the ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey reveals mostly positive sentiment where policy and other key societal determinants are concerned.


SEO, Email Marketing and Paid Search Deliver Top ROI, Study Finds

Marketers have more and more techniques and channels available to promote their products or services, but it looks like old tools are delivering great ROI for businesses. SEO (organic search), email marketing and paid search (PPC) were the top three channels that the 1,300 digital marketers who participated in the new Econsultancy/Adestra Email Marketing Industry Census 2013 study said that deliver an “excellent” or “good” ROI.

Money talks and BS walks. 0

Tips for Reducing Your PR Budget

In today’s economic world, cutting on your budget or marketing is really difficult as each criterion to market a company got many hurdles and to meet this up, a smart budget is obviously needed.


The 5 Golden Rules to HARO Success, as Shared by Real Users

To learn how to maximize your chances of being selected as a HARO source by a journalist, you need information from those who actually experienced success. We gathered the information for you, and put together a list of 5 golden rules.