Author: EPR Staff

Money talks and BS walks. 0

Tips for Reducing Your PR Budget

In today’s economic world, cutting on your budget or marketing is really difficult as each criterion to market a company got many hurdles and to meet this up, a smart budget is obviously needed.


The 5 Golden Rules to HARO Success, as Shared by Real Users

To learn how to maximize your chances of being selected as a HARO source by a journalist, you need information from those who actually experienced success. We gathered the information for you, and put together a list of 5 golden rules.

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My Relationship with Email Marketing

My personal relationship with email marketing started way back in the mid-1990s. At the time I was building some of the very first websites (or portals as we rather ambitiously called them) for the newspaper industry.

French/West/Vaughan Announce Personnel Shake Up 0

French/West/Vaughan Announce Personnel Shake Up

There’s been a big shake up of personnel at French/West/Vaughn (FWV), one of the leading PR agencies in the US, with two senior staff members being handed promotions in addition to two new hires joining the outfit.

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European Companies Can Grow Using Effective SEO & Marketing

We are all in an “economic tar pit” in Europe. Growth is so slow it is almost horizontal. Where is future growth going to come from? Governments argue about the need to either borrow more, or cut more from spending, or both. Businesses despair at the lack of demand for their products and services. In many parts of the world things are looking very gloomy. Here though is the key to possible solutions. Many, not ALL parts of the world are suffering from stagnant economies and poor growth. Some actually are doing very well indeed.