
Secret Super Bowl ad

Super Bowl ads that promote gender equality

As women learn to assert themselves, brands are realizing that they need to respect individuality and subvert tired tropes. The importance of gender equality for the public is rising. To depict the strength of women, Super Bowl ads, which have historically been criticized for being sexist, have more recently reflected

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Increasing Conversions

Boosting Rankings With Conversion Rate Optimization

The process of optimizing a company’s website in order to increase the rate of customers completing a specific action on it is referred to as conversion rate optimization (CRO). Most of the time the desired specific action is a sale, but it doesn’t always have to be that. Desired actions

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seo ascension

On-Page SEO Strategies to Avoid

There are plenty of things that companies can do that can directly benefit their rankings on search engine results pages. Between using the right keywords, adding alt text to images, using different types of content, and using the right website structure, there are plenty of strategies that can improve SEO

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Successful Ads During the 2022 Super Bowl

Every year one of the biggest sporting events of the season, the Super Bowl, teaches people a lot about competition, but that doesn’t mean this lesson is only taught on the football field. Some of the biggest competitive face-offs during the game actually end up happening during commercial breaks. Although

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El Cheapo SEO © Trueffelpix -

Improving SEO With the Right Strategies

Search engines are constantly improving and updating, which means companies have to constantly change their SEO strategies. However, when companies are able to use the right SEO tactics on their websites, they’re able to improve their rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). When they use the right tactics, they

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ultimate seo guide

SEO-Boosting Website Structures

There are plenty of benefits to logical website structure, though it takes careful thought and lots of time to decide how to structure a page. There are different types of website structures that companies can use to organize the information on their pages. One of the top reasons why many

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Texting, SMS, iphone, blackberry, gen y, text messaging, mobile, facebook, twitter, data, voice, voice call

Email and SMS Marketing Strategies

Most marketers understand that email marketing is a very important element of any company’s success. However, texting has recently surged in popularity and turned into another way that companies can achieve success. A majority of marketers have noted an increase in revenue from their SMS marketing efforts. Businesses that are

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Brands Utilizing Digital Channels During the Super Bowl

For a long time companies used various initiatives surrounding the Super Bowl to promote themselves, given that the Super Bowl is one of the biggest annual marketing events. Plenty of big brands and corporations commit large budgets to create and air their ads during the biggest game of the season,

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SFC Evergage BlogRefresh WhatisPersonalization ResourceCard

B2B web personalizing elements

Website personalization is a marketing strategy that delivers personalized experiences for website visitors. Rather than having one website or landing page, a business creates custom pages for different segments of its audience, based on industry, location, or content customers read on the website of the business. Given below are strategies

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Marketing tips for personal stylists

Whether a personal stylist seeks to attract new customers or build their existing client base, there are myriad options to reach out to potential clients. For people who prefer to shop from their couch, personal stylists are a big help. A stylist should be as creative with their marketing strategies

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