Category: Crisis PR

03032020 CrisisCommunication Blog R1

Showing Accountability During Crisis Situations

In the age of instant information and hyperconnected communities, any brand can find itself at the center of a PR crisis. Whether it’s a misstep in marketing, a product malfunction, or a social media...

crisis pr

Importance of Crisis Communications Planning in PR

In the world of public relations, managing a crisis effectively can be the difference between an organization’s survival or its downfall. Crisis communications planning is not just a precautionary measure. It’s an essential component of...

03032020 CrisisCommunication Blog R1

Building and Sustaining a Positive Corporate Brand Image

A positive corporate brand image is crucial for long-term success in today’s competitive business landscape. It not only attracts customers and clients but also influences stakeholders, investors, and potential employees. To build and sustain...

Ozy Media

Ozy Media Implodes

Ozy Media, a digital media site that was founded by CEO Carlos Watson in 2013, has announced the suspension of its operations and the decision to close down. The announcement came five days after a damning report was...