Tagged: Request of proposal


Request  for Proposals  for a Statewide  Affordable  Housing Communications  Campaign

Organization Description:  The  Strategic  Communications  and Fundraising  Group  is  a  collaboration  of  Vermont  non-profit organizations  whose  missions  include the  promotion of  equitable opportunities  for  affordable housing.  The  organizations  in the  group are Cathedral  Square, ...

KC PR - Kansas City PR

Communications RFP Issued By Kansas State University  (KSU)  –

Kansas  State University  (“University”)  is  soliciting  proposals  in  response  to  this  Request  for  Proposal  RFP  No. 41529  (“this  RFP”)  from  qualified  vendors  to  provide  for  the  design  and conduct  of  quantitative  and qualitative research ...

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