Tagged: business management

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Innovation in Marketing and Operations

The self-driving startup from Russia, Yandex, and the online food ordering company GrubHub, have started collaborating to deliver food to college campuses across the United States. This collaboration is the latest innovation, which will...

Hr and marketing 0

How Marketing and HR Can Collaborate

Marketing and HR teams have their own unique and very important functions. However, the evolving and expanding role of a marketer is one of the reasons why marketing can work alongside HR teams. It’s...


Using PR to fundraise for nonprofits

Unlike for-profit businesses, nonprofits have the additional burden of fundraising money from the pubic, business and government organisations to sustain themselves and their work. To achieve their fundraising goals, nonprofit organisations will benefit from...


Leadership in ‘Hustle Culture’

A recent article published in the New York Times dissected the concept of “hustle culture” made popular by millennial workers. Indeed, the idea of the “rat race” has been replaced by the more user-friendly, rise-and-grind mentality that fits...

What to expect in the Israeli tech industry in 2019 0

What to expect in the Israeli tech industry

The Israeli start-up and tech scene have been a hub for innovation and growth. However, the tech scene is at a time of flux and change. The major sectors to watch out for in...


Maximizing On Public Relations At SXSW

Over the past few years, some brands have seen diminishing returns at the massive Austin, Texas based festival of spectacle known as South By Southwest (SXSW). But not everyone. In recent years, some brands...


Tips on creating purposeful content

Whether you’re a small local business, a large global organization or a charity, the key to good PR and marketing is creating good and relevant content. Good content enhances your brand’s reputation, attracts customers,...