Tagged: insights

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Diversity and the Changing Colors

When the first millennials were born in 1980, the census bureau reported that about a fourth of all census tracts in the US. were nearly exclusively white. Fast forward to 2045 when the Brookings...


Voice Technology Matters

When American fantasy writer Brandon Sanderson said, “What was the point of a little voice? Weren’t voices for being heard?,” he may not have had voice technology like Google Assistant in mind, which this...

Mastering Crisis Communications

Mastering Crisis Communications

Crisis situations are inevitable, both for bigger and smaller companies, but the main thing that can change a company’s outlook during such a situation is how it will handle the crisis itself and communicate...

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Balanced Equality and Balance Sheets

The knowledge that COVID-19 vaccines would soon be reaching Americans hasn’t changed concerns about income equality. In fact, a November poll by research firm CivicScience revealed that worries about equality were a concern of...

Advancing Inclusivity and Diversity

Just how important are D&I (diversity and inclusiveness) initiatives today? Gen Z, those born between the mid-1990s and 2010 number about 2.4 billion worldwide and will comprise about 25% of the workforce within four...

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Best Strategies for Business Growth

While launching a business is a difficult feat, identifying and optimizing its growth potential is an even more difficult matter that many business owners have trouble navigating. Especially when the business starts growing, and...


The Future is Online

Many consumers who flocked to digital platforms during the pandemic have expressed their intent to stay in cyberspace. Bread, an online retail financing platform, was among the latest to validate this in a survey...

Focusing On Organic SEO & Why It Matters

Paying attention to and focusing on organic SEO can elevate your website ahead of the competition. A discussion with Don Silver, COO, BoardroomPR, Fort Lauderdale, Florida What is organic search engine optimization (SEO) and why...