Category: Marketing

Google Analytics Behavior Flow 0

How to Use Google Analytics Behavior Flow

Google analytic behavior flow is all about how your website is working (or not) when you have visitors to the site. You may feel the website is easy to use, but this tool helps...

Top Trends in Paid and Earned Media 0

Top Trends in Paid and Earned Media

It should be no surprise to anyone with their eye on social media, public relations, and marketing that if you aren’t digital, you’re nowhere. Current estimates are now that more than 50% of the...

360i digital agency 0

Profile of 360i Digital Marketing Agency

360i is a digital marketing company based in New York City and was founded in 1998 by David Williams and Bryan Kujawski in Atlanta. The company is owned by the Dentsu Aegis Network. 360i...

Influencer Marketing in the Tech Industry 0

Influencer Marketing in the Tech Industry

The tech industry is also turning to influencers with large social media followings. Those same influencers bring expertise when representing a brand so they can push the newest technologies with better understanding and information...

5 of 2017's Best Content Brands 0

5 Brands with Great Content

NewsCred# started a new list this year of the 50 best content market brands, calling it #ThinkContent. From that list, we picked five brands to highlight and share.  For the full 50, take a...

The PR of Best of the Best Dog Show 0

The PR of Best of the Best Dog Show

The annual Westminster Kennel Club shows happen the second week in February – beginning on February 11 (Saturday) and continuing on through February 13-14. All eight events and sessions are televised onFox Sports (Fox...