Tagged: ronn torossian

ronn torossian on ny observer today 0

Hitler Used Carl Byoir & Associates An American PR Firm

– Hitler Used Carl Byoir & Associates, An American PR Firm: Everything PR Exclusive Book Excerpt – Ronn Torossian of 5WPR in The Observer today wrote an article entitled “Hitler’s Nazi Germany Used an American...

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Is Anyone Listening Anymore?

In “Giving”, President Bill Clinton’s book, he writes of an African tribe he encountered that had a unique way of greeting each other. When someone says, “Hello,” the other person responds with, “I see...

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RECALLS: Honda CEO sets an impressive standard

This article contains quotes from Ronn Torossian of 5WPR based in New York City. Very few things can wreck perfectly good public relations like a public recall. Just ask GM. But auto recalls don’t have to...

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A Big Apple Travel Gem: The Great New York City Public Library

In a city of 30 thousand dollar a year private schools, 800 dollar (or more) a week kids’ camps, and $15 an hour babysitters, the New York City Public Library system is such an amazing tool for parents – and NY’ers of all walks of life. It is a great, free, resource – and one which remains as awesome today as it was years ago.

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Celebrity PR and the Power of Association

Last week, the Critics’ Choice TV awards announced its nominees and winners in several categories. Typically, there were some familiar shows among both the nominees and the award recipients. And, of course, there were some surprises. Orange is the New Black beat out network giants like The Big Bang Theory and cable stalwarts such as Veep for Best Comedy Series, underscoring the streaming entertainment revolution, and the fading relevance of the major networks.

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