Category: Crisis PR

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PR News Launches Crisis Management Guidebook

The sixth volume of the Crisis Management Guidebook that has just been launched by PR News offers important information on this topic, from research tips to social media tactics developed by top crisis experts. The volume also provides a step-by-step action plan which will help companies best handle the first critical hours of a crisis. The Crisis Management Guidebook includes tips on how to create messages under pressure, crafting a social media action plan and checklists that will help companies prepare for a crisis.

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Mercury Public Affairs: Wal-Mart & the Appearance of Evil

For those of you who did not read Time’s piece on Wal-Mart’s latest PR goof, infiltrating union meetings Mata Hari style is just not cool. With allegations of bribing Mexican officials in the breeze, apparently Sam Walton’s dream may just be turning into a public nightmare. Is this a “worst case” for the corporate megalith, will America see the story as one of the little guys versus Wal-Mart and their high paid mouthpieces? You decide.

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Nutella and KFC Face Costly PR Nightmares

Nutella is advertised as a healthy food, and a KFC Twister wrap allegedly poisoned with salmonella a seven-year old girl in Australia in 2005. Both companies lost enormous sums in law-suits, yet KFC intends to appeal, while Nutella agrees to settle. What are the PR impacts for both companies?