Tagged: advertisement


1,500 US Dollars for a Link in the Tablet Version of Better Homes and Gardens

Tablets are indeed the latest trend of the moment – along with smartphones – and it seems that publishers are finding ways to monetize their editions available on these gadgets. To open up the way for ad revenues for tablet edition, a link in an article published by Better Homes and Gardens will cost 1,500 US dollars.


Internet Giants Form Ads Integrity Alliance to Fight Bad Ads

Google, AOL, Facebook, Twitter and the IAB formed a partnership aimed at fighting bad ads on the Internet. StopBadware, a nonprofit organization launched in 2006, announced the launch of the Ads Integrity Alliance created to fight bad ads and maintain trust in the online advertising ecosystem.


Ads and Content on Facebook Lead to Spike in Sales

People that are exposed to paid content and ads on Facebook are more likely to buy products from the brand doing the advertising, according to a new study released today. ComScore’s “The Power of Like 2” research report goes to show that social media advertising is useful in achieving marketing objectives like reach, brand resonance, and ultimately sales.

Mobile Marketing Strategy 0

Mobile Marketing to Increase

Marketers should be keeping a close eye on the rising sales of smartphones as a sign that mobile phone marketing is going to be taking over online marketing as the main way advertisers reach the masses.