Author: Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian: Insights from 5WPR Founder

bigstock side Hustle Ideas Hand writt 266260840

Side hustle ideas

People often take up side hustles when they are looking for alternate ways to make money. They might have financial goals or they might be looking forward to earning from projects that they are...


Overcoming entrepreneurial anxiety

Compared to non-entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs are more prone to mental health conditions. They suffer from anxiety attacks, triggered by their lifestyle, which has workdays with no structure and boundaries. The journey to success never did...

Social Listening

Social Listening Mistakes

According to research, over 60% of companies these days are utilizing social listening tools and platforms to keep track of what consumers are saying about the brands. However, despite the high number, most businesses...

Adding Thought Leadership To Your Marketing Strategy

PR Strategies for Israeli Companies

With the right PR strategies, both big and small Israeli companies can get the chance to get media coverage, engage with their target audiences and convert more customers. With so many businesses of all...